“Joy” in Chicagoland

You are too late — if you were planning to get a free abortion or a vasectomy at the Democrat National Convention. Both services are gratis in Chicago this year, but all appointments have been snatched up. On the other hand, “Medical Assistance In Death” was not available, even for a fee. You will have to wait until the next DNC; or until Kommie-la and Tampon Tim prevail, and make death free for all the bright lights who are patiently waiting.

By this means, they will make more room for the illegal immigrants, … “all hopping through the frothy waves, and scrambling to the shore.”

Meanwhile, the U.S. Labour Bureau has revised all of its employment statistics for the last year, downward, by one million. This means that all of the post-Batflu records that the Biden administration had claimed were, in fact, bare-faced lies.

The joke is that the socialist policies the Democrats are selling, with such enthusiasm, have a failure rate of one hundred percent, throughout history, and around the world. Yet they continue to be popular among the power-hungry, and their ignorant followers; not just economic failure, but the unambiguous evils that accompany it. For after child-murder, what can be left?

The “Left,” Democrats, favour political censorship, but they also favour extinction — like the Canadian Liberals, and British Labour, who would ideally join them in a grand extinction event. The Republicans and Conservatives could then bifurcate, into the Pretend Conservatives, and the Frankly Reactionary Monarchist Party.