Four more years?

It is true that most Democrats are vicious, unprincipled people. This statement would be misleading if I omitted to write that most Republicans likewise stink of corruption and duplicity. While this is true of the “progressive” majority (all politics is Progressive, or as I said yesterday, Socialist), mention should be made of the numerous exceptions. These are the people who are abnormally stupid, although they may also think, quite wrongly, that they are pursuing self-interest. Still, they aren’t intelligent enough to do much harm, except when organized into a mass by a democracy.

There are saints, of course; but as any religious person (i.e. not a saint) can tell you, saints have generally avoided politics for the last twenty centuries. The Church does not recommend we get into politics except during those brief embarrassing moments when the Church is ruled by neo-pagan popes, or has gone non-Catholic.

An initial sign that a man (a term that includes men and women) is dangerous, is when he starts pretending to be good. As we know from Scripture, men are not good, and even to canonize a saint requires that functionaries in his cause neglect certain details.

The same goes for politicians, though in a morally relaxed, and informal way. I think for example of Donald Trump as “a good man” — oddly, on the analogy of a saint. He is a grievous, almost unnatural, sinner, but even more sinned against than sinning. He is an appalling liar, but his lies, which mostly count as exaggerations, are cancelled by the lies told against him. His heroic stamina speaks for itself. He is responsible for far less mindless or intentional slaughter than most of the politicians who have enjoyed his level of success; and he generally means well, at home, and tries to avoid war.

So why is he decried as “Hitler,” and hated more than any American politician, living in the present century? (According to poll, 28 percent of Democrats wish him dead.)

I do not love Mr Trump, but prefer him to his potential assassins. My hope is that more American voters also sort-of like him (plus a few million, to overcome cheating) — than psychopathically hate him — for if so, America may last another four years.