All hail Prudentius!

I should think the limit of American diplomacy should be, to contain our enthusiasm when certain desiderata are achieved: for instance, the death of Hassan Nasrallah in an Israeli air raid on Beirut; and indeed of almost the entire Hezbollah command in previous air strikes. Or, (to stick with that once-Christian, Islamist-afflicted nation of Lebanon), the brilliant bombings, using pagers and walkie-talkies, that maimed and killed Hezbollah operatives in their thousands; and the plausible broadcast warnings, that make a building’s occupants identify it by scrambling out in panic. This also spares casualties should the IDF decide to obliterate the building.

That “civilians” are seldom targeted by Israel we may take on trust, for it is not in their propaganda interest to harm civilians. It is, however, very much in the interest of their Islamist enemy, whose crocodile tears immerse the BBC.

The Arabs, too, are among today’s winners. This is quite apparent if the reader will consult Arab media, where Hezbollah’s fate is currently being mocked. If Hamas, too, can be completely annihilated, together with the Houthis of Yemen — and the mad mullahs of Iran could be recalled each to his 72 exploding virgins — peace and prosperity may come to the Middle East. This is Trump’s “Abraham Accords” in practice.

Alas, in this earthly psychomachia, not everyone can win, but I am delighted to survey the losers. Trump more and more obviously exhibits a real genius for foreign policy; for instance, he has put himself in a position to negotiate peace between Ukraine and Russia. His (realizable) objective has been world peace, all along. But the Democrats can still hope to steal the election, or that Trump will be assassinated.

Even if they succeed, there is hope for “abroad.” Both Israel and Ukraine have now learnt, the hard way, that depending upon the USA for direction is a very, very, stupid idea. They should do what they must without American permission. And as Trump says, they should consult their own interests; and tell Leftists, Progressives, Liberals, and Islamists, what is never said in a family weblog.