
In the face of a disaster, that has proved worse than “Katrina” — upon which the media have obsessed for almost twenty years — we are reminded how things work. If there is a way to politicize a natural disaster — and there will always be a way — it will be used for political purposes. But if the party that is the darling of the media happens to be in power, the mess must be cleaned up by the locals. The bringing of supplies and voluntary help will happen, mostly without government assistance. For governments only serve themselves.

One may learn from a variety of sources that FEMA, the “Federal Emergency Management Agency,” proved its essential uselessness in New Orleans, together with the rest of the “Department of Homeland Security.” It is, of course, failing again in Asheville. It has been swamped by the Democrat Party’s scheme to bring many million new Democrat voters into the United States, in defiance of American immigration law, and had few resources left over, anyway. For it is an incredibly expensive business, when illegals from all over the world are given priority over U.S. citizens. They must, after all, be given food, shelter, and every other sort of government gift, with a path to voter registration.

From the Internet (for instance updates from Elon Musk), we note that non-governmental charitable efforts are not merely “discouraged.” The government is seizing and impounding desperately-needed local goods and services. The rest of the federal bureaucracy is also “chipping in,” to stifle relief efforts. The FAA, for instance, is restricting private aircraft with supplies, and making it almost impossible to fly drones, demanding that flights be individually approved by their slothful trolls. Those who wish to bring help to the survivors have both the wreckage of the storm, and government agents to block them.

This is how things work in this world, and have worked, since the Reformation, when the state took over welfare, hospitals, schools, and all other eleemosynary institutions. Rather than allow inspiring expressions of Christian charity, they became the means for cynical political posturing and control. And with “democracy,” we have detailed laws and policies, to prevent the people from helping themselves — as they would do, by laws of nature.