Alternative für Deutschland

Alice Weidel, the federal leader of Germany’s “far-right” AfD, has approximately the same policy prescriptions as Donald Trump. Chiefly they are to return to the bourgeois habits that used to make free market states prosperous. But she subscribes to these in mainland Europe, which has been easily spooked since the Nazis offered policies that were not bourgeois.

“Humankind cannot bear very much reality,” as the far-right poet, T. S. Eliot, wrote in Burnt Norton, now the better part of a century ago. (He was arguably plagiarizing the far-right German poet, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.)

One could recommend that my readers look her up on YouBoob, or better search for print, and form their own opinion on this Frau Weidel. (Who speaks English, and Chinese, fluently.)

Compare her, for instance, to the British prime minister, Keir Starmer, who rose to power as the prosecutor protecting Muslim “grooming gangs,” and now puts people in gaol who protest on behalf of their rape and murder victims. The idea that Mr Starmer should have a rôle in the government of a civilized country, is as absurd as the idea that the 14-year-old narcissist who has ruled Canada, or the 82-year-old senescent who has ruled the United States, are respectable members of the human race.

The remarkable “coalition” of Trump, Musk, Ramaswamy, Kennedy, Vance, &c, &c — which includes several prominent Democrats now awarded the title “far-right” by America’s utterly worthless media — may be about to change the atmosphere, even in the black heart of the Dark Continent (Europe). None of these new Yankee brooms is as unambiguously vicious as the “statesmen” they are replacing.

But it will be difficult for them. The truth is that politics are often controlled by the lowest of the low, as today. The most successful of our power-mad “elites” tend to be very evil, and free only with nasty smears for their opponents. That, and public ignorance, are the secrets by which Liberals, Democrats, and other Socialists continue to win elections, and to increase the massive accumulation of criminal incompetents in their bureaucracies — where any hint of ability or even honesty will be punished.

Looking forward, I am not optimistic. But one should be open to the unexpected, in this God-created world.