Essays in Idleness
Terre Sauvage
A fresh start
Books will save us
The world needs less Canada
Nunarput, utoqqarsuanngoravit
Small is more beautiful
Trained in stupid
Do ye the little things
Glug glug
How to lie
Justice & rectitude
Flag day
King Donald
Depth-charging the deep state
Deus vult
In economic news
In praise of potholes
Year of the snake-oil
In medio …
Come buy, ah!
Flying saucers
Political judgements
Hsu Yü washing his ear
Carrie Underwood
An extra-political fate
When lycanthropy fails
Tough lovers
The good sense of Monarchy
Papa’s century
Alternative für Deutschland
Crossing the Tiber
Origen explains
Idleness remembered
The Wizard of Oz
Christmas shopping
Is art redemptive?
Saint Andrew
Time out
All Souls
Foot & mouth
Voting instructions
Exonerating greed
Who whom
A Canadian legacy
Meta Cognita
Para bellum
October 7
Retirement plan
The angel above
All hail Prudentius!
Four more years?
Predictive futility
Our need for apocalypse
Poem for Friday the 13th
Making a splash
Political reality
Saint Bruno
Crede ut intellegas
The hobbyist
The ladder to all high designs
Let it be
Platonic formulations
Why write?
“Joy” in Chicagoland
The defence portfolio
More on uselessness
Oh, not to be in England
Out to get us?
Saint Lawrence
Reading Sedulius
Childless cat ladies
A conspiracy theory
Slower, lower, less noisome
A hack against badness
Ice cream
Sea of Tranquility
The importance of mockery
Annals of far-righteousness
Super-massive & up
Goo extraction
Toothy sleepers
Milking the blue whale
In days of yore …
Deficit made flesh
How to not watch
A mediaeval jest
Checking the returns
The rising youff
Pleasure in a toothache
The end of PayPal
Understanding newspeak
The frugal “vision”
Publishing & perishing
Defensive strategies
Eight decades on
The joy of sexagesimals
Trial by sleaze
The third egg
The Matthew
Fête de la Reigne
Convenience is tyranny
Deeper fakes
Being right
Prog cons
Arians, under every bed
Contra mundum
Lying in debate
Laetatus sum
The Luddite’s dilemma
Electronic materialism
Throwing rocks
Spirited fugue
The good stabbing
Dead babies
The long war
Hateful anti-hatists
Dispensing fault
Indolent piece
Stochastic Easter
A very Good Friday
Veritas iubet
The living dead
Musk repellants
Narcissus army
Strong leaders
Prisoners enchained
Relieving man’s estate
MLXVI & all that
Art in everyday life
Blessed Luddites
Land & sea
Spiritual warfare
Two years later
The woman’s vote
Little Hunting Creek
Holy war
Chaste Valentine
Baconator Monday
Don’t worry; be happy
Wedding bellwethers
Fu on the idle life
Down with Expressionism
Taking leave
Tempora mutantur
Arctic farming
Too much college
Tectonic reflexions
Primum non nocere
Laser guns
Democracy leads to Hell
Father Boyd
Ignominious scandal
Endless epiphanies
Sursum corda
The score
Psalmi idiotici
Absurd merriment
Blessing irrationality
Flight of freedom
Elon’s babies
O Wisdom
Trends to reverse
University reform
Resisting eco-lunacy
The Greenies
The law office
Privileged speech
The soft & the hard
Post scriptum
American Thanksgiving
To the sea
El clero moderno …
Totally war
All Souls
A few ideas
Prayer intentions
Iron domesticity
Gun ownership
More war
Wasted years
The goatherd’s tale
Virtuality signalling
Moral panic
Taking care
Nine Eleven
Small is prettier
Fine & private
Computer yes & no
Old excuses
Silver hammer
Vox populi, vox diaboli
Drill & kill
Ten thousand things
Signs of the times
Slaving & piracy
Damnable sprinkling
The Toronto theory
Gremlins & visionaries
Just stop cars
The Donet
Counting souls
Fête du Dominion
Estival solstice
Defensor pacis
Heraclitean fire
Counter-revolutionary thought
Against fucking
Inflammation & swelling
Burmese noodles
Perfect object
Uniparty news
Two into two
Pay cuts
Duodecimal aside
Morning light
Revulsion against chivalry
A business opportunity
Artificial imbecility
Consequence of voting
Money & power
The joy of vinegar
Smell testing
Time-saving devices
Taking one’s leave
Things get worse
Before & after
Protection rackets
Unnecessary acts
Tangled Webb
The last day
My tax plan
One thing & another
Zygotic developments
Salutary neglect
Dignified flippancy
Looking down
Tall tales
Reality bites
Translating into words
Health nazis
Death of a straight shooter
Dear friends
Towards Epiphany
Papa Ratzinger
Beginning again
Christmas advice
The news & the weather
Vitai lampada
Taking sides
Pleasures of ischaemia
Cut them out
On an African note
Into the blackness
Mary, Mary
Bluster signalling
The sale of souls
Final sale
Good work, Yankees
Compressor technology
The sun & the mind
More downsizing
Downsizing, cont.
Downsizing Satan
Thanksgiving in Canada
Had enough war?
The progress of complexity
Ten years of “Tzurezuregoosing”
In praise of high interest
His Majesty
Nativity of Mary
Seventy years
The need for restraints
Newman on the art of war
Apolaustic reflections
The art of Jesuit-poking
Otras inquisiciones
Depends what you read
The wilful vegetable
On my sins
Waving the flag
Status quo ante
Diversity, Inclusion, Equity
Father’s Day
Natalya lost
Recommending treason
The beauty of a world in confusion
The shooter’s guide
An open mind on nukes
The misery of life
National distancing
Leaking sensations
The barking of NATO
Divisions on a ground
Why peace is hard
War patriarchs
Easter morning
Easter eggs
More or less
What is a man?
Peaceful shelling
The misery index
Verdunish episodes
War & peace
Faith in dollars
Price resistance
Cogito, ergo?
Placidly recalled
The path out
The principal newscaster
Slava Ukraini!
Blue & gold
Towards Kiev
Piping Pollers
Your most sweet voices
Marie de l’Incarnation
Stop it now
Little truths
Big lies
Reconstructing Ottawa
The Queen
Peace must be dared
Honk! Honk!
Vive le Canada libre
In lovely blueness
Out of wedlock
Fading away
The anger of John Ruskin
Passing news
Batflu tidings
A million dollars
Suzy Creamcheese examined
Which witches?
A curious date
Gravelly mud-balls
Ted Byfield
Protocols for leaving
About the keb hoose
Batflu redivivus
Crowd control
Our Lady in Advent
Of flies & ants
Grace v. Karma
A new year
Black Friday
Christ the King
Book use
Michaelmas day
The vote
Blowing them away
Twenty years
Things go better with Coke?
The calendar
Against commerce
An inconceivable God
A rainbow nation
Mr Warren advises
Erasing a pope
Senior bureaucrat’s farewell
The importance of mockery
A young country
Dominion Day
Curing apathy
The spaceship sightings
A home somewhere
Vivat academia
Misfortunes of Elphin
Egerton Ryerson
An optimistic rejoinder
In time
You could take the bus
Vacating sense
The visitors
Age of Revision
Things to do
Latest news
An update
Writerly thoughts
The secret strategy
A backward glance
Repeat after me
Chronicles of hirsute
In praise of nutjobs
Of parasites
The Cilicia
Great minds are interchangeable
The eighth day
The ammunition shortage (a rant)
Cataleptic Friday
A stretch beyond
Rant week, continued
I’ve had enough
Monday morning rant
Creative fatalism
The consensus v. the consensual
Wealth & power
Plutarch on envy & hatred
Twice a day
The missing link
One last harrumph for Trumph
Excuses, excuses
How to make a scene
Five feet of fury
A world of promise
Upstream & down
The week in review
Morning after morning after
Antiantifa in action
The future of pugnacity
Natal homing
A petition
The head start
A Christmas story
For Jesus
Darkness at Christmas
Forgotten places
The final tally
War war war
How the war is going
The trumpet call
Consider the lily
Florality & bouncing
Plague stories
The poor always with us
Ungulate watch
Reduced to this
Canine aside
Oriental memoir
Returned ballots
Threatening democracy
Die Lösung
On endangered species
Black Friday obstination
Dining out
Eve of whatever
Building back baffled
Chronicles of hyperventilation
A threesome
Death of an atheist
Locked & loaded
Conspirators, ho!
On hand tools
Moan moan moan
Cohabiting with elephants
Paying one’s way
Big, red, & shiny
Cottage cheese & noodles
Your problems solved
Bird-brained discussion
The morning after
Today in history
General declaration
The insulted & abused
Fear not
Priestcraft, then & now
Morning in America?
Against perspective
Frugal to the end
Reform proposal
Otiosus rants
Swamp creatures
Where to turn?
Joy & futility
Deep tech
Notes on cancellation
Thanksgiving, cont.
Meta incognita
Remembering the ur-Trudeau
Arcadians versus Utopians
Let it pour
A problem
Hymn to spaghettini
Trump as Constantine
An ill-spent youff
The streetfight
The necessary angel
A visit from Mr P
On our modern audio
Getting married
Back to stability
Mrs Ginsburg
An old song
Monks have more fun
On the bright side
De-programming suggestion
On the walking dead
How to rise
Meditation for Labour Day
The cost of compliance
Florentine aside
We are not fragile
Of sevens & seventies
Hoops within hoops
Political diary
In praise of the lash
Being there
Digging deeper
Of cake & cookies
A master mariner
On flattery & slaving
On the growth of madness
Compliments to the felines
Next year in Jerusalem
The fire this time
The veepstakes
Back to the Bronze Age
Dare we hope?
Ignore, gentle reader!
High-explosive chronicles
Astronomical aside
Women & type
The will to pauvre
On the future
Apology to the flittermice
A bourgeois moralist
Voting intentions
Belloc Night
V for Victory
Urban elevations
A minority view
Free speech
Baby bust chronicles
Should slavery be restored?
Bat-mask protocols
Standing tall
Thoughts on identity
Progressive woke & profitable
Apocalyptic aside
Lives matter
On making noise
Malign fiesta
The rockin’ chronicles
Blue skies
How to defeat leftists
He shall have Dominion
Thomas Sowell at four score & ten
The triumph of Dullness
Enforcing whiteness
A note on sternutation
Answering to a “need”
To hell with liberals & conservatives
The monied & gated
At sea
The long & winding snake
The more subtle strategy
Chronicles of scientism
Karens & their kind
Aside on skulls & crossbones
A quaint reflection
On kneeling
Problems that solve themselves
The Father
The sewer pipe
Rioting for fun & profit
Collegium electorale
Getting dirty
Fight them on the beaches, &c
The disciplined child
Inexplicable Ascension
Social isolation
On juvenile delinquency
The GPS society
Hope v. optimism
Then & now
Our current regimen of lies
On the value of a human life
Fear & freedom
How to get rich
On Mother’s Day
Be safe, or you will be shot!
On paint-by-numbers
Rats in labcoats
On celebrating “identity”
Being made ill
Sharp words
Forever Saigon
Captain Cook
Isaiah says
Lent is over
On testing
Prickles the sheep
Of England & Saint George
Earth Day revisited
Typhoid Mary
Free press
Keeping one’s peace
Let us express ourselves
The world cannot be fixed
Free the cows!
Be afraid, be very afraid
Insurance adjustments
Towards a Vigil
Jesus is going to die
Flevit super illam
Are you spaced correctly?
Those who think they know
Revolutionary aside
On the invention of fake news
Another view
More sensitive today
The DNR chronicles
On capitalist competition
On living dangerously
Perhaps I am insensitive
Making distance
War, famine, plague, millennials
Your days are numbered
The leap
How to lose
Listen to Ibn Hazm
The pandemic prattle
Fun with figures
Politics of Gethsemane
A look inside
Joy & foreboding
On paper logic
Selfie deaths
Contagion out of China
A killjoy writes
True love
Sceptical thoughts
In defence of materialism
Aesthetic economics
The temporal zone
Tweedjackets unite
Cui bono?
Not drowning but waving
Cancel culture
Aside on beuks
Simplicity itself
Sir Roger Scruton
Morbid insecurity
Still lifes
Looking ahead
Of head shots
Massacre of the Innocents
Thankless Christmas
God rest you merry
That time of year
De seculo & religione
Another day
Things of the day
On coal mining
Pointless happiness
Derangements I have known
Back to normalcy
Insufferables v. Deplorables
Remembering humanism
Golf with firearms
Black Friday again
Merican Thanksgiving
Cat’s cradles
Breviary notes
Off & running
A good question
Space, time, & so forth
Hang ’em high chronicles
Unending descent
On getting up
Our Kingdom, where?
A conceptual thing
Derek Chisholm
All Hallows E’en
Of love & marriage
The widening schism
Adam, meet Eve
Coffee or tea?
My fellow Canucktitucks …
Be brave, be water, be ready
A saint for our times
The would pile
Puf the tragic dragon
Looking forward, cont.
Adam & Eve & science
Thought experiments
Looking ahead
Encratites & Apotactics
Amazonian proceedings
The cure for consumerism
Horn of plenty
Hippocratic conservatism
Austrian schoolboy
Philosophy: faster, please
On quaintness
All is well
How & when to apologize
Against “education”
Does age confer wisdom?
Down by the river
Back & forth
Enviro tyros
Saint Cassian pray for us
The prognosis
Touch the Earth
A call to revolt
August calmative
Breaking news now broken
Artificial spirits
The power of dreams
On a lump of coal
Omigod chronicles
Factory work
Full retro
The licentia chronicles
In praise of deference
Problems we don’t have
Dominion Day
The “smart” economy
Aside on law & order
Why read?
On something & nothing
Mishan impossible
Creative outrage
Raptors defeat Warriors
Long ago summer
On the means of propulsion
On the dark side
Depends what you mean by Is
Welcome to manhood
Again & again
Fifty years of solicitude
Slow cookery
Tough loves
Against sterility
In lovely blueness
An example of usury
And who will mind the minders?
Saint Anthony’s
Incident report
Spilt religion
Chronicles of collusion
Serial groping chronicles
Back to the land
Prima aprilis
Brexit Day cancelled
Notes from the underground
The cosmic duh
Kristin Lavransdatter
Decide, comrade
Strange but true
On heroic obedience
The freedom of Lent
Contra mundum
A rant for Saint David’s Day
A question
A thousand years later
Fame, fashion, future
National Bigotry Day
Manifesto of Faith
Inside the whale
The non-utopian Utopia
Hue & cry
On selfies
Fortieth day of Christmas
Fun with figures
Two items
Signs of the times revisited
An aside on beaks
Hail patron
The handkerchief tree
The de-cluttering chronicles
A minority view
The wisdom of sheep
Pipeline issues
Hail Mary (pass)
Freedom versus security
Restoring risk
Reflections on Thomism
More populist than thou
Review & outlook
New Year’s FoMo
Power plays
Fake everything
Merry Christmas
Intelligent or otherwise
On scientific materialism
A draught
Chronicles of autopoiesis
Of eggs & baskets
The concealment
Vallis Hortensis
Nativity scenes
Devices of enslavery
Chronicles of outrage
Rolling home
Of mangles & battledores
Of riots & rioting
Venite post me
Against empathy
Annals of convergence
Black Friday appeal
The echo
Alternative news
Instructions to educators
A problem in higher education
Talks with grandpa
Saturday rescript
Book merchandising latest
Within the Octave
The art of crazy-making
The poppy chronicles
On Robin Hood
Ta-ruth & consequences
Of tolerance & friendship
Saturday night thought
The road home
Hydraulic society
A Pareto curve
Against the news
Homiletic review
Nostalgia & recollection
Women beware women
Of hawks, naiads, & dwarves
Of straitjackets
Ember days
Quick review
Let’s be practical
To be men not destroyers
Of the cool & the cold
On beer consumption
News, news, news
Two items
Labour Day ramble
Il morso delle termiti
What to do?
For whom?
Trudopia & the Trudope
Wang An-shih
Necessary angels
The demise of Blockbuster
The constant standard
On national unity
Death by technology
Chronicles of defunction
On killing people, cont.
Crime without punishment
On fake news
Mister McCarrick
Here on Earth
On explanations
Backward ho!
The horror chronicles
The vice of tolerance
The long sleep
Now playing
Jus gentium
Justin the groper
Defective shoppers
A nightmare
Chronicle of things to read
On incivility
Be prepared
On not working
Old engagements
Television review
On counting neurons
The white man’s burden
Sumer is icumen in
More backwardness
Trying to see wholes
The boat song
Jack Straw
Of sweet & sour
Have women peaked?
The loss
The referendum
Estimable men
Saint Dymphna pray for us
Bells & whistles
A health warning
On idle godliness
Missing day chronicles
The macaroni chronicles
A furious aside
Heaven, Hell, & Alder Hey
Of midges & men
Tutti in coda (II)
Tutti in coda (I)
You can run but you cannot hide
Respice finem
On brain damage
Instruction to gentle reader
“The child died”
Capacity crowds
It’s a boy!
Wha’ll be King but Cherlie?
Another sign of ye times
More happy
The vulnus
Fire & forget
On doing things
Questions, questions
The Zuckerberg chronicles
In dispraise of enlightenment
In praise of rigidity
More merciful than Jesus
The modern post-heretic
Of ducking & plucking
He. Is. Risen.
Good Friday
More media trash
A thought in Holy Week
Note from a northern belfry
Gabriele Kuby
Permacultural aside
Things happen in threes
Talk about silence
The war on trust
On one news item
On the news
That’s funny
My privilege
Of waminals in themselves
Of joyful aloneness
I’ll be a Welshman
The see-ya chronicles
General instruction
As the world turns
O nach éisdeadh
How to do things
Jordan Peterson
Of Vatican cages
Should women have the vote?
Corned mutton hash
Motherhood & peoplekind
News to a foreign country
In God we don’t trust
Scared yet?
From Saginasty to Saginawesome
The four word chronicles
On onus
The scandal of interiors
Slip-sliding away
Notes & topics
On learned ignorance
Pineapples or elephants?
Amazon flooding
Did you know?
Minimizing wages
Crypt currencies
Faith & leadership
Le Monde
A puzzlement
Fancy people in black
Twelfth Night: no surrender
Pay no attention
One year to another
A bit chilly
Saint Thomas of Canterbury
Flores martyrum
Mark that date
Protomartyr chronicles
Ad pastores
Saint Nicholas pray for us
Of Christmas past & Christmas future
The gift of obstinacy
Naughty & nice
The white Christmas blues
The laughter of hope
Special places
The two paths
On good sense
A rant
The havoc chronicles
On being polite
A punch in the nose
Of infamy & shadows
Mere news
Eros & Psyche
Hand-held device
Among the depenguined
The future isn’t over yet
Ferozsons Limited
Perylene Friday
Two for the ages
On lacking respect
Scalfari & the phantastiacal
Something & Roy Moore
Near & far
A plea for selfishness
The kids today
On the 365th day
Death the real illusion
Protestant Hallowe’en
Coffee for the intellectuals
Make it new
Plain speaking
Ancient & modern
Of money & honey
Our Lady of Fatima
An embarrassment
Dr Frank Hutson Gregory
Good is prolific
At sea
About time
Viva el Rey
Against closure
Fecunda ratis
Five years & no concessions
On high horses
On the “Correctio filialis”
A good shove
The push-back chronicles
Politics of the risible
The long march
The strait, and narrow
Timor mortis
Of providence & order
On pushing back
Calcutta, my love
A memoir
Among the soft-bodied eight-limbed molluscs
Include me in
Of rich & poor
War, famine, plague, sedition
Bring back liberals
The knot
The grandstand chronicles
Portent of doom
The longer game
How to win the civil war
Of dog-whistles & duck calls
The Google archipelago
Santa Maria Assunta
Mysterious West
Notes from the sheepfold
Oh no not Korea again
Summer reading
On mercy mild
On breaking the law
Rowing to Paradise
What goes up
The medical advisor
Indopakladesh at seventy
An anti-whateverist expostulation
Mock chicken
On the D-word
An argument against arguing
The dispossessed
On science
A thought for Bastille Day
An aside on acting
That Brague again
Drawing to conclusions
Culture of fear
False humility
Some attitudinizing
Without hair, without skin
Happy Dominion Day!
On political pugilism
The age of smear
Big red & shiny
The eye is in the beholder
Hoo sez?
Meditation on an electric lamp
The ha! chronicles
Is Realism realistic?
No cure for a broken heart
King Kohl
Against innovation
Prophets without honour
Avoiding traps
Debating point
The youff have spoken
Better homes & gardens
D Day
Of idle lingering
On the road
Of back-ups & throwbacks
Vietnam revisited
On pageantry & apocalypse
The movie
Just one good smack
Sweetness & light
Of Adam & Eve
Of prophecy & prognostication
In praise of anarchy
On the speed of thought
How to be old
Misuse of language
Villagers & pillagers
Against facts
Chronicles of distraction
A public danger
Reductio ad mysterium
Among the new Infidels
Insolence towards the Zeitgeist
Sex & the single Dogan
On writing Idleposts
On seeking shelter
Yesterday’s news
War & peace
Demography & destiny chronicles
Custody of the emotions
April foolishness
In praise of half-measures
Excuses, excuses
Of third ways
Mother of God
Per impossibile chronicles
The rest is silence
A giant rabbit
The dogwhistle chronicles
Benzedrine options
You are not alone …
Empty threats
Think environmentally
Deep state
On beautiful women
I ask you
In cinere et cilicio
A kvetch writes
Maybe, or not
The creation of Adam
Fake this, fake that
A direction for tramps
On statutory holidays
Aphorisms for Saturday
Up against the pipes
The no-brainer chronicles
In case you were wondering
Jim & Florrie
Brain disease
Milady Sue K.
My life in the movies
Table manners
The Bertie conversions
Of close-run things
Granny dumping
On knocking
Extra extra
Chronicles of frothing hysteria
Schall at eighty-nine
Of numbers & mendacity
What is a reactionary?
Escolios in Bogotá
Orpheus descending
The morning after the night before
On victory
Roll up, roll up!
Darning & darnation
Yachting news
A settled science
Upmarket & down
Light reading
Crooked timber chronicles
The downside of killing people
Underground Europe
Thomas Sowell
On the worthlessness of novels
Check out
Into the envious tangle
On the meaning of Christmas
Some contemporary simplisme
On canaries in mines
On baloney
Yak weather
The road we know
Problems with rejoicing (solved)
Saturday night thought
Before the beginning
In convertendo
Encore une fois
On a question of taste
On the speed of mercy
A path will emerge
In defence of economic backwardness
Funny old world chronicles
On the transience of things
Advent Sunday
Pass the cigars
On rigidity
Jour de l’action de grâce américain
That smile
Cry havoc, &c
First snow
On the question of tactics
Herman Goodden
A wonderworker
On the human abacus
Norham Castle (sunrise)
Further instructions
Remembrance Day
Crowds & powers
Sailing past Byzantium
Last days of mankind
Exhibitions at a picture
Rock bottom defined
Of a Hallowe’en in Sweden
Norcia again
Saints in the mists of antiquity
Short item
Epistolary arts
On life & death
The invalid gourmand
What & how to read
Don’t think twice
All about Nothing
An anti-globalist tirade
Hard rain chronicles
A good & righteous man
A Grician implicature
Magnificent men
How strange
Anchovy sandwiches
Towards silence
A thought for Hierotheos Day
Gender benders
Halls of memory
Gentle reminder
Fight night
Back to metaphysics
On discipline
The addict
Unfinished conversations
Addendum on wrong places
Blessings in disguise
Buenos Aires directive
On the need to remain cheerful
Creative misanthropy
Church bulletin
Fifteen years
More on beetles
The stag party
Grande dame
The wake-up call
On leadership
Trump l’oeil
The slime chronicles
Swimwear issue
The common man
On discernment
The ground beneath her feet
Positive reinforcement
Movers versus Shakers
Beyond ornithology
Eorum culpa
Salmon from a tin
The right tool
De anima
The why-I-am-not chronicles
Choose life
Olympic special
Here is a title
The poor wealthy
Voting against elections
Organized religion
Zombie theories
Chronicles of torment, &c
Of bombs and bulldozers
Ye cloude of unknowyng
Note for August civic holiday
On crime & punishment & wrath
Deus lo vult
Confronting evil with joss sticks
The joy of hatred
How to breed monsters
Pictures at an exhibition
Why no one writes books any more
How to save the environment
All the bells are ringing
Why our problems are insoluble
Nasty in Nice
Books for a dollar
Parliament of the three ages
The good Samaritan
Bread, cheese, & ale
The Chilcot Report
The magnanimous gesture
With Layard to Ninevah
Un canadien errant
An artist is a solitary
Bonnie & Clyde
The secret government
The in & the out of it
On nature
When pushy meets touchy
Five stars
Marriage à-la-mode
The week in review
Consider the alternatives
Fashion statement
Showing grandma around
Chronicles of expectoration
Mistah Kurtz — he dead
Disputed question
The decline of requirements
The greatest?
Artes serviles
Of mercy & forgiveness
Teach the controversy
Mysterious ways
Conservative indifference
Among the leaves the small birds sing
On liberal education
High Doganate confidential
In patience to abide
Buchanan yes & no
The talkpast
Creative destruction
A thought
Peace at last
Locker room reflections
General recovery
Recovering feudalism
Incendiary observations
Of a candle
Ugly & truly ugly
Hidden things
Mind over matter
Suppressing the erotic
Saint’s day
Wednesday morning
Four centuries later
Morning thoughts
Hardwater tea
The flittermouse chronicles
Sin makes us sad
Trumping along
The new idealism
Amoris Laetitia
Panama papers
Spiritual asthenia
Mother Angelica
The unknown good
Christ hither & away
The coming days
Stillness within the panic
Super endless Tuesday
Novels, novels
Benedictine “option”
All talk
Good & useless
The hours of folly
Gardez l’eau
The banality of evil
Killing people
Maladroit in Detroit
It’s like skating
Insuperable Tuesday
Old wine in old bottles
Book of Eccles
A safe space
On desecration
Don’t leave
The tale of Mattie
Against masochism
Out with you
Lent makes us smarter
Against scheduling
Gödel & Lemaître
Gravity waves
On leaving town
The Fire Monkey chronicles
Resting bitch face
Backhand compliment
The neoconical hat
Signs of the times
Good one
Honi soit qui mal y pense
On public statuary
Meditation on a potato
The yachtsman
Snow in New York
Snow in Washington
On political lowness
Comfort food
Nasty surprises
Interesting if true
Pray for Taiwan
Lost tunnels
Death in pearls
The pesticide chronicles
George Jonas
Earthquake planning
On waminals
An axiom
Forty years on
The market for newes
On grouseness
The Levée
Some culinary answers
A culinary quiz
Compulsory mental illness
Ever the optimist
Merry Christmas
Death to Tinker Bell
On fact-checking
Whimper wants a bang
Notes from the resistance
O come, Emmanuel
Presidential endorsement
Not all there
The young people
A tale of two horrors
On welcoming Muslims
The idea of hummingbirds
Tota pulchra es
Age before booty
Saint Sabbas
The aquatic ape
On San Bernardino
Sumptuariae leges
Latest from the death cult
The cruck of our freedom
More than ever now or never
Present in the past
Some ethic profiling
Wars formerly by proxy
The mess through history
The Wraith
Make perfect thy will
No-go & safe zones
Silence of the lambs
Mewling & the lie
Blow blow thou winter wind
On candlelight vigils
Paris in the fall
The life of Bree-an
Death of a smoker
Armistice Day
Democracy versus God
On vexation
Fleeting & endured
The self-defeaters
Penny for the old Guy
Whose poor?
Of polls & proggies
On true mercy
On four hundred million
Ave maris stella
Non possumus
Hae nobis propriae sedes
Wrong how?
Questions for ye bishops
Vigilate & orate
The universal tourist
Drinking note
The triumph of drivel
Game on
Shipshape & Bristol fashion
Making a lío
Year of clemency
Pastoral accompaniment
Seen & unseen
Do not inhale
After strange gods
Fact & mystery
The unpragmatic agenda
On politicians
The new world order
Line items
Blood moon
On a revivalist note
Our Lady of Ransom
The hunting of snark
Plain speaking
Towards increased understanding
Mass in the mass
Christ does not pander
On despair
Doing usury backwards
Flying by
A puzzle
On the other hand
Many pockes on many houses
Stained glass
Per crucem ad lucem
Chronicles of nullity
Jack & Jill, over the hill
Our gracious Queen
A funeral for Sunday
On fear
A sea of troubles
Le rouge et le noir
Looking up
On the Daesh strategy
Spiritu ambulate
The duh chronicles
Phenotypic plasticity
Moynihan’s scissors today
How to raise children
The roundest wheel
The longest spoon
The highest tech
Sister lived long enough
Pigeon digest
A Trifluvian philosopher
Instructions to the housewife
Rendering time
Mater Dei
A tale of origins & renewal
In but not of
Contra mundum
Of a figure on Mars
Household hints
The Donald
Sweet till seventeen
Country music
The Devil adores a vacuum
The prayer of the Publican
Hybrid warfare
More enthusiasm for GMOs
Trying to understand Lu Yu
Liturgy fairies
As the world turns
In no strange land
Chronicles of Gadara
Ninety-seven percenters
Little Tibet in Parkdale
The daily forty-five
On the other hand
A new model for society
Strait up
Darjeeling tea
Towards wisdom
Live not by lies
Creative self-loathing
Benedict options
Omnes gentes
Cat’s cradle
The avian gourmand
Visiting Pluto
The family & the sludge
Political purposes
The lies that bind
Oxi-moron is a bad pun
Analects of confusion
Beautiful Dominion
Shades of homer
Fraternal charity
Drawing a comparison
The goose procession
Shock effects
Opposite Christmas
Aside on the discharges
Air conditioning
Dominus illuminatio mea
Sunlight on the vines
Five thousand max
Laudato si’
It’s like this (chronicles)
What must we do?
God’s final word
Rounded with a sleepe
The nice & the good
Elevated discourse
Nice & nasty
The ultimate bore
Among dragons & damsels
Comfort against tribulation
Holy Trinity
Obedience to tradition
Wilhelm Roepke
The ground sloth
Latest automations
Apostle to Rome
Aer lingus
Against bombing
Making war better
Time’s arrow, time’s cycle
Losing the appearances
The Vimy problem
In jubilatione
A whole mind
Of a maple sapling
Dark gentleman of the Sonnets
Ask the women
Chronicles of discardment
Against the simpletons
The mercy game
Marketplace of ideas
It’s a girl
Oyster sauce chronicles
Down lunchpails
Saint Catherine of Siena
Self-love & stupidity
Saint Peter Canisius
Jubilate Sunday
A sister
Saint George
The valour deficit
Camp of saints
A good shepherd
The Ezekiel airship
The Wright brothers
Terror birds
A yarn
Hunwickean in Parkdale
Model T
Low Sunday
Of books & men
Even Better Friday
Genesis applied
Our redneck heritage
Easter Monday
Holy Saturday
Good Friday
Maundy Thursday
The false note
On wrath
Sinite illam
Gates of Jerusalem
Litera scripta manet
Eight minutes
The Annunciation
The honest tyrant
Father Wallace
More, there is more
Saint Joseph
Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
Flatman rising
True patriot love, disentangled
Laetare Sunday
External combustion
Narrow-gauge railways
To be a viator
Idleposting 101
A century
Unknown fields
Casting out devils
Less is more
Mission creep
Cutting down
The double dative chronicles
Feast of Dafydd
Digby chicks
Pray for a slow death
Lili Kraus
Primum non nocere
On legitimate government
A voice from the chorus
Philatelic note
The fat chance chronicles
An imposition
Martyrdom revolved
Sundown & after
That the blind shall see
Mercy vans
The right to choose evil
Yachting news
The original Falstaff
And another
Another day
The insanity offence
How to perform miracles
The cull
Some free advice
The fish commands it
Unto this last
For a Godly materialism
Mysterium fidei
Of halcyon nests
The ransomer
Deflationary asides
101 household uses
Be it done
To arms
Richard Lubbock
Marching to nowhere
Teaching Shakespeare
A buzzard
Into the desert
Religio pacis
Hermits & artists
Kosher phones
Daily & Sundays
La mort des cathédrales
Sancta Familia
La guerre, yes sir
Dionysien aside
Be not goaded
Boar’s head & wassail
And the warld kent Him na
Lords a-leaping
The world of our dreams
Crabbed age & youff
Cor ad cor loquitur
Six geese a-laying
Vertu engendred
Shabkar revisited
Feast of Stephen
On the new orthodoxy
A sign
Dating Christmas
Peter Geach
In those days
Ten Editions
O Adonai
Somewhat feline
Star dust
The blind eye
Help is on the way
Nay, nay
Thirteenthing China
The gimcrack gourmand
Pests of this kind
Sinless Mary
Identity theft
Nuremberg revised
Sexes & saxes
On parliamentary reform
Vi Vil Vinne
On managing
Wrath revisited
The people have spoken
All the souls
The handcart chronicles
Quietly from Rome
Ottawa in the news
Something to declare
Whom to thank?
Kojo no tsuki
Synod on the family
The necessary angel
The world in small
The Braveheart chronicles
Morbid happiness
The air show
Labour Day
Watch this space
On news judgement
News from Ninevah
On the road
Word for the day
Bring me my bow
Quas primas
Fourth of July
A test
Note to readers
Latest from Iraq
The axeman
Promoting intolerance
Calendar notes
Supplementary, Mr Speaker
That peace is indivisible
Hapless voters
Hierarchy or mediocrity?
The floor-tile calculator
Lhude sing
An empowering thought
Against happiness
The ribbing
Last lines
Libertine atheism
The catfish chronicles
Four quatrains
Labour law
News & the weather
The day after
Biblical exegesis
That age shall not weary them
Paradigm change
A mood
A dinosaur for Lent
Feast of St David
Céline as something else
Céline as moral agent
Signs & wonders
Breeding instructions, revisited
Corned mutton
Everyday sinning
Ordinary time
Ambiguous non-participation
Moreover …
Not request but demand
Nothing to debate
Inside the fog
More information
The viscerality deficit
The mystery of the thing
Yes & no
Anatomy of the January blues
Is democracy Christian?
Being & not-nothingness
Enforced literacy
Baloney or Bologna?
Cherchez la femme
A proper twit
Another little kick
Locke the key
Lay sermon
Steven Temple
Our illustrious mayor
Dies irae
Three horsemen
My mama
Slimming plan
Buy-out scheme
Winged victory
Lust, anger, values
On the culture
Go forth, anyway
Taking war seriously
Lip service
An authoritarian writes
Shifty eyes
In the picture
The middle way
Chronicles of “peace, peace”
Victorian literature
Back to the future
A penny’s worth
Light-tight & might
The dead motor
Come the revolution
Alex Colville
Truth & numbers
The 5th of July
Arab autumn?
The happy soldier
Statutory holiday
Gallimaufry & anamnesis
Quote for the day
Saint John Baptist
Urban vision
The last telegram
The idleness of Saint Thomas
Ends & means
Re-archaize now
The invention of comfort
Beyond help
Perhaps I should explain
Back to work
Neil Reynolds
Let’s party
The yairs chronicles
Straussian aside
Vive la décroissance
Mad Ruskin
Tombs for the living
Not why but how
The beuk chronicles
Faction against faction
Margaret Thatcher
Among the dead
An alteration of course?
Smoke & the mirrors
A tenor voice
The end of the world
High flight
Father Ratzinger of the Vatican
The Lenten adviser
Aristotle’s revenge
Bystander syndrome
Reason & the well-bred girl
In defence of idleness
Fresh fiats
Benedict’s “wager”
Reason & knowing
The resignation
False comfort
Questions of children
Ornithological note
The only certainty
Nisi Dominus
Apocalyptic Egypt
Just an idea
At the twilight’s last
To be human
Owner-sensitive media
The pursuit of ignorance
James M. Buchanan
The Baptism of Christ
Warmth in winter
Ask & it will be answered
Fellow passenger
Your problems solved
Cakes & ale
Swiss banking & you
She who must be portrayed
Robert Bork
Ho ho ho
Doomsday postponed
The mad in our streets
Ritualistic aside
“Why why why?”
Om sweet om
Trendier than thou
Refugees in time
Father Schall in play
Patrick Moore
That swart ship
Dave Brubeck
Joyous news
Another for Hector
Speaking truth to wieners
Live not by lies
A Confederate aside
The grisly cup
Thoughts for Black Friday
Our American Thanksgiving
Confucius says
Cherchez la vanille
From X to ex
The end of Twinkies?
A literary widow
In the kingdom of Whatever
Aphorisms of Don Colacho
The open pit
Jacques Barzun
A car or a baby?
The culinary symbolist
Violence around women
The majestic plural
Manuscript extractions
Bats & the philosophers
From Paul, via Ephesus
Up & about with Bill Tilman
Why bats are often happier than poets
Comparative intelligence